Rabu, 12 Januari 2011

karangan english untuk student from5

The girl by the corner

  It was after school, i saw her. Standing by the corner of the street, holding her doll. I saw her everyday, always the same. Everyone thinks she's weird. But i was rather interested with her. What was keeping her company? Why she never cried? It was a true mystery, and i'm the one whose going to find out.
     The next day, i hid in the shrub next to the corner where she usually are and wait. She came. Holding her dolly, with her school backpack. I crouched nearer to the shrub beside her, i seemed had made a small rustle, she heard it and ran. I grabbed my bag and raced to a street, i tripped over something soft. I took it from the ground. The doll. But, there was something strange about the doll, its eyes were blue like ice, just like the girl. Her bag lay by the ground, she was nowhere to be found.
    I let out a silent scream as the doll, somehow, was staring right at me! I dropped it. It's all my fault, i thought. That i shouldn't chase the girl and this wouldn't happen. Was i going crazy? I picked up her bag, and rummaged through it. A dirty book with pictures that i found. I flipped over the pages and i saw the most terrible thing in my life, it was a photo of when her parents died. And another was at a b'day party, she was covered with dirt, as though she'd been running through the forest and carried a knife. She had the most terrible memories.
    And i know now, her last company was her doll, dry and empty and she can't think. Her doll was an only choice.

A man, a boy, a lady

There was a small village in the forest in a mountain on the east side of the earth. In the village lived a man with his son. His name was Jeremiah and his son was Clay. They lived in an old huge mansion, which was a guest house, quite far from the village. The house looked scary on the outside and the mansion’s owner also not a friendly person, but actually he had a kind heart even though they’re not rich.

One rainy and stormy night, came a beautiful young lady at the same age of his son. His son felt something wrong with the lady but he kept it inside, because he didn’t have evidence about his feeling. He kept an eye on the lady every time, every second, and every of her movement.

After dinner, the Lady asked them if they allowed her to stay for a night, as she had no house to stay. They allowed her to stay and prepared a room for her.  Clay delivered her an extra blanket, it was very cold outside. He knocked the door but no one answered, then he tried again. He decided to wait, but five minute passed, he ran out of patient. He opened the door which apparently was not locked and stepped his feet inside the room. The room was so dark and the only light came from the opened window.

The thunder stroke a tree. He put the blanket on the bed and ran to shut the window. When he shut the window, he suddenly realized that no one’s in the room. He wondered where the lady was. There was no sign that the lady left the room, so he searches for her. Starting by opened the bathroom. At first, he saw nothing and no one, but as he walked to the bathtub he saw something dropping from the ceiling above the bathtub. He looked up and saw a body hanging on the ceiling. He called over his father but when his father arrived and Clay turned his head for a second, the body disappeared. They soon found that the lady was the first owner of the mansion who was committed suicide 50 years ago. That’s the reason why the guest house was closed.

Bad ending

One Day, i met friendly person on facebook. He live near my house. He really nice, we always chat together everyday night.
And then he want my phone number, and we send messages and start call by phone each other.
He the one who always ask aomething about me.He do want to meet me. And of course me too, but im a lil girl that overprotected by my parents. they wont let me meet some one that we dunno. im sure 100% that he wont do anything bad. besides he wanna meet me on Mall,I think he like me. and of course i like him too. i love him so much. We keep this feeling. No one from us tell our true feeling.....
But then.. times get passed..He never call me anymore.
He always use short word when he send me message.He never ask me. Im the one who ask him..
Untill oneday, he never reply my message.
I never heard his condition like the first we meet, even when he's online, he never greet me..
He, not 'he' that i know 1st time. he must be forgot me..
He found the 'new' one and leave the 'old' one
Im just stil stand here for no hopeNow, im the one who forgoted by no one. Im the one who wait for nothing. And im the one who hurted by my first crush..

Confuse day

I have long waited for this day, the day when everything changed, but not everything that is in me. seconds were ticking, the clock seemed to smile at me and I responded with a smile full of questions. I was confused where the arrival of this fun, if when I got a souvenir from my friend? whether the mother welcomed home from school with a loving kiss? It turns out all the spinning in my brain, made me wince, laugh for no reason because I was stupid at that time .. I finally found something that is familiar has long bothered me, when I was dumped by my best friend as a man who had approached the two of us alive, I'm really sad. but I'm just an ordinary man who can not turn back time, I gave in and tried to distract me on my guitar lessons, it still thought it bothers me, like I felt they were far away from my mind, but I was helpless with all this. whether I can force anything, so I am strong. whereas many proverb says that a friend is true love. woow, of course I agree that, but I think that there is a genuine mother bore me, why my soul continued volatile? I keep stirring all the contents in my brain to find something that seemed impossible are, at best cast in my sadness, still, I can happily. turns out, I heard the news that the man was destroying my friendship, which proved his brash, rude and cruel. I was lucky my friend was not affected, and although until now it was my best friend did not give the news to me, I still believe that everything is back to what becomes of our belief.

Essay_My Best  Friends

Close friendships are hard to come by these days. In an ever-changing world with people striving to achieve their interpretation of preordained success, it is hard to know who your true friends are. Fortunately, I found my best pal early at the tender age of seven. We were both enrolled at the same school and were at wits’ ends as we searched tirelessly for our designated classes.Samantha and I got acquainted as both of us were in the same class and sat next to each other. Samantha was a happy-go-lucky girl who always managed to breathe fresh air into the sometimes arid classroom. She always knew what to say and would voice them at the best possible moments. Both pupils and teachers alike enjoyed her company and liveliness. There was hardly ever a dull moment when she was around with her funny quips and expressions.

Samantha was born with a silver spoon. Her father was a businessman and her mother owned and ran a boutique. Both her parents were very caring towards her as she, just like I, was the only child of the family. Samantha came to school each day with a perpetual smile. She was a very nice person to be around with. She and I used to go everywhere together and both of us were rarely seen apart. We used to talk about so many things as we walked, thoroughly enjoying our time together.

One day, I went to school and forgot to ask my parents for lunch money. At first, I was not hungry and thought I could bear going without a meal but soon, my stomach began to growl. Without asking, Samantha generously paid for my meal and drinks during recess. The incident revealed to me how lucky I was to have such a caring and compassionate friend.As time went on, people started teasing us as we were spending more and more time together. We seemed to know what each other thought and we cared for each other deeply. Was I in love with her? I did not know then and we both knew we were too young for all that emotional roller coaster.

Currently, Samantha and I are studying at different schools. It was hard to be apart at first, but technology in the form of instant messaging and e-mails have helped to bridge the gap in our friendship. I sincerely wish our friendship will never end as it would be equivalent to waking up from a beautiful dream.

Short stories: Death of a loved one

There is never an easy time for losing a parent; whether you're 5 or 50 years old, when a parent dies, innocence dies with them.
My father had been sick for many years, but was too stubborn to give in fully to the pain that was wracking his body. He refused to be tended to, saying that he didn't want to "burden" his family. He had also tired of the experimental drugs his doctors kept trying to force on him that never worked as intended and always threw him to one extreme or the other. He was diabetic, allergic to insulin, with several heart and other physical maladies that doctors could neither diagnose nor treat.
So, he fought 15-plus years for his health, his independence, and his pride, self medicating where he could, and simply "dealing with" the rest.
He suffered a heart attack the day before Thanksgiving in 2003, staying conscious barely long enough to place an emergency phone call to the police. An ambulance arrived and took him to the hospital, where he recovered well enough to be sent home after about a week. He told me then that he was dying - he knew it and wasn't scared, so I shouldn't be either. Our family gathered at that time, to check up, to tell him he was loved, and to say goodbye. He wasn't gone from us yet - that was our miracle.
The weeks passed and his health improved, and we all started to speculate - he'd pulled through some crazy things before, maybe he'd pull through this, too.
He was with us about a month before his health started to decline again, this time drastically. He was bed-bound, unable to walk, unable to eat, barely able to hold a coherent conversation most times. I remember trying to talk to him and being very angry - not at him, or God, or my mother, or really anyone in particular - just angry. Where was the man who used to chase me around the yard, scoop me up, and shower kisses on my forehead? Where was the man who always knew the answers and had a witty comeback to every smart-alecked dig? He was supposed to be strong and infallible; at least, stronger than me. He was my father, and that made him invincible - didn't it?
February 17, 2004, my mother told me he was exactly the way he'd always been. She'd gotten up, started getting dressed for work, and he had called her back to bed. He told her he just wanted to lay and hold her for a while. They laid there for quite a while, silent, together. He died with her in his arms.
It's been almost five years since we lost him, and it isn't much easier now than it was then. Life goes on, but there's always an empty place, a sorrow even on the happiest occasions, that he isn't here to share it with us. I miss him every day, but I am thankful that there is no more pain for him, and I cherish the good memories we made while he was here. Above all else, I thank God for granting us the time to say goodbye, and for giving my mother and father those last moments together.

Short stories: Death of a loved one

The Pearl Necklace
It was 1935 and Canada was in the midst of a depression. The unpainted, wooden, two-story house stood in rustic grandeur surrounded by banks of fresh fallen snow that glistened in the prairie winter sun giving the farm a crisp, clean serenity. Still, as rugged and rough as its appearance was it brought to life a scene that artists would attempt to capture on canvas for years to come, and few would succeed to master. The trees naked of their foliage and encumbered with the weight of the snow bent low to meet the earth from where their roots had stood firm for the last hundred years or more. They did not notice the child that looked lovingly at them from the frosted window. Her long dark hair pulled back from her delicate face, the thin glass pane shielding her almost porcelain skin as she clouded the glass with her breath and tried to draw the outline of the scene with her fingers.
The house was a well built, simple home, fashioned by the hands and sweat of the brow of her father, family and surrounding neighbors that lived within a few miles of one another in the town of Rosthern, Saskatchewan. It was not unusual for neighbors to lend hand to another if not only for the sake of being charitable, but with the realization that one day they may need the favor returned. It was not uncommon during the second world war that there was rationing of provisions under law by the government so that the main supply could be sent to the troops and there would be enough to go around for everyone. Katherine the woman of the house and June's mother, in secrecy wrapped and threw their extra butter into her neighbor's field as it was against the law to sell it, but not against the law to throw it away. The family next to them had been blessed or burdened with an extremely large family and not as fortunate as John and Katherine, at least that is how Katherine felt.In fact if they took into account their ancestry, they may come to learn that a good portion of their descents went back to the sixteenth century and many were sure that their roots as a family went as deep if not deeper than the aged maple trees. Making them if nothing more, distant cousins, from far off lands. Together this Mennonite community had to withstand misfortune and together they would rebuild and help one another to achieve a vision. Yet Katherine knew as she stood on Canadian soil that many of her ancestors were being held behind Stalin's Gulag and many of her family members had been abducted


     The old man's gaze dragged along in front of his shoes. He walked slowly; partly from the physical pain; partly from the emotional.
He'd tied the shoe's laces, but it was not done well. The knots were weak and in between moving from house to car and car to street they had become untied. He hadn't tied his laces himself for ten years. Ten years ago his wife would tie them every day. Then six years ago his daughter would tie them. Today he'd done it.
He wore black shoes that went with his suit. They were incredibly reflective, like rounded, black mirrors. Yesterday he'd brought out his shoe polish and a rag to rub against them. Back and forth, back and forth,he'd gone. He'd shined them mechanically, not really looking at them. He had rubbed the cloth against the leather desperately, staring at the knob on his cabinet, trying not to think. Now the sun reflected off of them.
His suit was all black, with a white shirt and a black tie. He had a black handkerchief, that blended in to the point of invisibility; only just slightly darker than the rest of his chest. It was an old suit; at least fifty years old he had thought as he had put it on. He had cleaned it well, despite his difficulties. The knees were dirty now though, from falling to the ground. He'd broken down, on the way to the car. He gathered himself quickly but still the others had given him pitying looks. Those looks followed him; watching him stare out the window. He watched - not seeing - the people in business suits walking and driving home to their families. He stared at the tall buildings there windows made opaque by the bright sun. Then he watched the trees, and the odd rusty mailbox, pass by his window with the morning light shining in his horn rimmed spectacles.
But all that was done with. Now he was walking across the grass with his dark suit, his dark kerchief, his polished shoes, and his dirty knees. The grass rubbed against his shoes and left imperceptible green streaks on the sides. The wind pushed through his thin, gelled back hair. His tears rolled down the mountains of his deep wrinkles and tasted salty in his mouth. The tails of his suit blew high in the wind, the bottom button of the suit forgetfully left undone.
When he stopped walking the wind felt less harsh, the sun shone less brightly and the priest started talking. The man raised his eyes, his tears cascading from his face and landing, discoloured, on his polished shoes. He looked at the end of the dark, wooden coffin. He pushed his eyes higher and stared in into the eyes of the girl in the picture. The photo was surrounded by a wreath and a few flowers. She was his daughter.

Short stories: Death of a child

Briona Porter was just thirteen years old when she was killed. Shot down by a gunman while riding on her mother's ice cream truck. That day left her mother and father and her whole entire family along with her many friends at home and school absolutely devastated for life.
She had such an impact on so many people lives. You could tell just by the number of people that had attended her funeral services on that Monday morning. She loved everyone. She even had a nickname. "Big Cheese!" I guess it was because of that great big smile that she wore upon her face.
When children get killed it is just as painful as if they had died of an illness. They are all so dear and will me missed by their family and friends.
We often ask God why does these things happen to the young because we don't have the understanding of a death of a child. The best way to deal with it would be to receive some sort of counseling from victims services to ease some of the pain. Stay close to your family and friends and always keep the child in your prayers and you heart and truly ask God to forgive the murderers " for they know not what they have done".
Briona Porter was an inspired author, she loved to write books at an early age. She loved school. There has been a scholarship built in honor of her name so that kids who are less fortunate can go to college. That is what she would have really wanted.
There is no doubt in my mind that when each student walks across the stage off of the scholarship that Briona's smile would be shining through the clouds because out of her death became life.

Death of a child : With Love There Is Always A Way

I watched Timmy sleeping peacefully for the first time in a week after he was admitted to the ICU ward at the hospital. His pale skin was bruised by the numerous punctures from I.V. needles. His face seemed to express a heavenly serenity despite the many painful trials he'd been through. The respirator that became his lifeline to our world, continued to pump the air into his lungs which is a vital link to maintaining his life. I wanted to reach out to him and let him know that I, his mommy, loved him and was here for him.
Timmy didn't really understand what was wrong with him, although I did try to explain it. It's hard to tell your son that he is dying. Timmy was only five when he was first diagnosed with leukemia. I was told by doctors that his prognosis wasn't good because the leukemia was already so advanced. A bone marrow transplant would not be helpful at this stage according to his doctor. I sought out every available avenue to obtaining the best medical care I could get for him. The health insurance that I had, proved to be insufficient and the bills were mounting. I kept trying, mailing letters and consulting with attorneys, but to no avail.
I didn't have much income being a single parent and almost every treatment that Timmy's doctors recommended was dubbed as experimental by the insurance company. I was exhausted and so was my son. The emotional toll of dealing with the impending death of my son was being extracted from my health. The stress was wearing me down. Through out the whole ordeal, I kept wishing, hoping and praying that one day Timmy would find a painless, peaceful place on the other side. I wanted to go there with him. I knew in my heart that where there was love, there's a way.
Timmy took a turn for the worst an hour later. He was not going to be resuscitated as the doctors had given him a DNR order. I waited with all the worry, pain and grief a mother could be burdened with when her only son was dying. Timmy's vital signs indicated that he was on the homeward journey to God and I longed to go with him. I walked over to his bed where he lay semi-conscious from the sedatives and painkillers they injected him with to make his passing from this world to the next easier. I held his hand and whispered in his ear," Mommy's here Timmy." I was both surprised and shocked when he opened his eyes briefly and looked at me in the most loving way. His eyes seemed to say, it's alright mommy, love will find a way.
Timmy began his inevitable journey to the other side. He convulsed and began bleeding out from his organs. The sight was heartbreaking and horrific. I continued to hold his hand as his breathing became labored and blood poured out of his eye sockets. "I continued to hold his hand and say,"I love you Timmy." Timmy continued to struggle to breathe and as he took his last breath I felt a sense of peace come over me. His horrible ordeal was over and he was with Jesus now.
Minutes later, after he was given a time of death by the doctor on duty, I felt a powerful presence place a hand on my shoulder. I was swept over by a strong emotional charge of love which electrified my entire body. I heard Timmy's voice in my ear say,"Where there's love mommy. there's always a way. Ever since that day I have felt Timmy's presence nearby, as if he were waiting for me to come and join him in heaven with Jesus.

Isnin, 10 Januari 2011

tokoh : datuk yusuf haslam


Mohd Yusof bin Md. Haslam Khan
penerbit filem, drama, penulis skrip dan pelakon
Pengarah Urusan Skop Productions Sdn Bhd

Yusof Haslam atau nama sebenar beliau ialah Mohd Yusof bin Md. Haslam Khan merupakan seorang pengarah filem di Malaysia. Dato' Yusof Haslam dilahirkan pada 24 April 1954 dan berasal dari Jalan Pahang, Kuala Lumpur. Beliau merupakan anak keempat dari tujuh beradik ini mendapat pendidikan terakhirnya di Sekolah Kebangsaan Polis Depot dan Sekolah Menengah Aminuddin Baki, Kuala Lumpur.
Yusof Haslam mendirikan rumah tangga dengan Datin Fatimah Ismail. Anak-anak beliau ialah Mohd Faizal,Mohd Shamsul, Nursyamin dan Mohd Syafiq

Permulaan berkecimpung dalam bidang perfileman.

beliau mula berkecimpung dalam bidang perfileman pada tahun 1972 dalam usia 17 tahun. beliau terlibat sebagai pelakon tambahan selama dua tahun di Studio Merdeka. Ketika itu filem masih dalam hitam putih. Pada tahun 1974 dengan Shaw Brothers, beliau mendapat peluang untuk berlakon secara serius dan filem pertama bertajuk " Permintaan Terakhir" bersama dengan Uji Rashid. Pada usia awal 20an pula beliau berlakon dalam beberapa buah filem antaranya ialah "Jiwa Remaja" dan "Cinta dan Lagu." Pada tahun 1978, Encik Aimi Jarr telah membawa beliau berjumpa dengan Datuk Jins Shamsudin dan mendapat peranan dalam filem "Tiada Esok Bagimu". Pada tahun 1979 pula beliau telah berlakon dalam filem "Jejak Bertapak".

Namun hakikatnya nama Yusof Haslam hanya mula menonjol selepas membintangi filem Permintaan Terakhir pada 1974 bersama Uji Rashid dan Sony Abdullah arahan Datuk Jamil Sulong, selain filem P Ramlee dan ramai lagi sebagai watak sampingan. Sebelum menjadi
Datuk Yusuf Haslam : pengarah dan penerbit filem yang digelar "The Million Dollar Film Maker" gigih menghasilkan filem komersial dan semakin segak nampaknya. Hampir kesemua filemnya di pawagam berjaya mencecah angka juta ringgit. Dengan tidak bersekolah tinggi, Datuk Yusuf Haslam mencipta fenomena baru dalam industri filem Melayu apabila setiap filem

Filem pertama arahan Datuk Yusof Haslam

beliau telah menghasilkan hampir 20 buah filem hasil karya beliau sendiri. Filem pertama yang dihasilkan ialah "Bayangan Maut" pada tahun 1990. Antara pelakon yang turut menjayakan filem tersebut ialah Ella, Norkumalasari, Sabree Fadzil dan beliau sendiri. Filem ini juga telah membuka tirai bagi beliau dalam dunia perfileman.

patriotik dan drama yang diterbitkan cenderung kearah kepolisan.

beliau berminat dengan ’cerita beruniform’ dan siri TV yang diminati ketika itu seperti "Combat", "TJ Hookers" dan lain-lain. Di negara kita terdapat banyak drama yang dihasilkan tetapi tidak ada yang bersiri seperti demikian. Walaupun beliau tidak pernah berlakon menjadi polis, sebenarnya beliau pernah bercita-cita menjadi inspektor polis tetapi tidak kesampaian. Tambahan pula, kawan beliau, seorang anggota polis menyarankan agar diterbitkan filem corak kepolisan dan beliau yang mempunyai pengalaman dalam bidang tersebut turut membantu. beliau telah berkecimpung dalam menerbitkan drama TV selama 20 tahun bermula dalam tahun 1985 dan skop kepolisan itu telah menjadi paksi dalam drama terbitan beliau, walaupun cerita drama itu pada asasnya bercorak kekeluargaan atau cinta.

Pengalaman perniagaan

Selain kerjaya beliau sebagai penerbit filem, drama, penulis skrip dan pelakon, Yusof juga adalah Pengarah Urusan di Skop Production, dimana anak-anak syarikatnya terdiri dari Haslam Trading (restoran), Haslam Properties (hartanah), Skop Publishing (novel dan buku) dan ME Communication (post production dan penerbitan drama serta filem).

Yusof yang sentiasa menerima kritikan membina berikutan filem berunsur komersial seperti Sembilu, Gerak Khas The Movie dan banyak lagi turut menyifatkan anugerah yang diterimanya itu amat bernilai buat dirinya dan membuktikan segala penat lelahnya sebagai penggiat seni perfileman sejak 1970-an mendapat penghargaan masyarakat dan media masa.

penerbit dan pengarah terkenal, Datuk Yusof Haslam, bakal mencecah usia 56 tahun. Pada usia emasnya itu, Pengarah Urusan Skop Productions Sdn Bhd ini mengakui beliau belum terfikir untuk bersara daripada bidang seni yang sudah sebati dengan dirinya lebih dua dekad lalu.

Akuinya, pada zaman muda dulu, memang beliau boleh bekerja hingga 6 pagi setiap hari tapi sekarang tidak lagi. Yusof masih ingat, pada zaman kegemilangannya ketika mengarahkan filem Sembilu, beliau boleh menghabiskan masa di lokasi penggambaran sehingga 7 pagi setiap hari.

Namun, kata Yusof, buat masa ini, beliau ingin memperlahankan aktiviti pengarahannya bagi memberi laluan pada anak bujangnya, Syamsul. Yusof juga lebih pentingkan ketenangan pada usianya yang bakal mencecah 60 tahun dalam tempoh empat tahun lagi.

'Saya juga malu kalau orang kata saya masih muda pada usia sekarang. Jika nak diikutkan, pada usia sekarang, saya boleh berehat di rumah berdasarkan kedudukan ekonomi keluarga kami juga kukuh. Tapi sebagai anak seni yang sudah berkecimpung sekian lama dalam bidang seni, saya percaya perjuangan ini perlu diteruskan.

'Saya akan teruskan selagi kesihatan mengizinkan dan ada kemampuan untuk terus berkarya, sekali gus memberi sumbangan di persada perfileman tanah air.

'Saya juga jarang menghadiri majlis pelancaran drama dan filem ketika ini. Malah, saya juga lebih banyak meluangkan masa bersama keluarga terutama cucu di rumah,' katanya dalam pertemuan santai bersama Meja Hiburan, baru-baru ini.

Hadir sama, isterinya, Datin Fatimah Ismail, dan Pengarang Hiburan Harian Metro, Adam Salleh. Kini, kata Yusof, sampai masanya, beliau memberi peluang pada generasi muda untuk mengarah filem terutama pada dua anaknya, Syamsul dan Faizal.

'Saya tetap mengawasi kerja mereka dari belakang di lokasi penggambaran. Cuma sesekali saya akan turun gelanggang untuk melihat mereka bekerja.

'Saya nampak Syamsul memang berbakat besar dalam bidang pengarahan dan minatnya juga pada filem generasi muda. Sebagai bapa yang berpengalaman luas dalam bidang perfileman, saya tetap memantau Syamsul dari belakang.

'Saya bangga dengan pencapaiannya melalui tiga filem dihasilkan bermula KL Drift, Bohsia: Jangan Pilih Jalan Hitam dan KL Drift 2 yang bakal ditayangkan tidak lama lagi.

'Sekarang Syamsul sibuk di lokasi filem keempatnya, Khurafat. Selepas berjaya dengan filem aksi, Syamsul mahu mencuba bakat buat filem genre seram pula dan saya tetap memberi peluang kepadanya.

'Saya juga yakin dengan bakat Syamsul kerana pengarah muda, Ahmad Idham, juga tidak pernah buat filem genre seram tapi beliau berjaya menerusi filem Jangan Pandang Belakang terbitan MIG Production Sdn Bhd. Malah Syamsul berazam untuk buat tiga filem sekali gus tahun ini,' katanya.

Berkongsi cerita perkembangan filem itu, Yusof berkata, selain mengarah, Syamsul juga membintangi filem ini bersama Liyana Jasmay yang menang Aktres Terbaik di Festival Filem Malaysia ke-16 (FFM16), tahun lalu. Dalam Khurafat, Syamsul dan Liyana menjadi suami isteri berhadapan dengan gangguan orang ketiga yang mengamalkan ilmu hitam, lakonan Sabrina Ali.

Kata Yusof, beliau dan isteri berdebar menanti 7 Februari ini kerana Syamsul mahu menjayakan penggambaran babak beliau ditanam dalam kubur.

'Saya nasihatkan beliau membawa ustaz untuk babak di tanah perkuburan sebagai langkah berjaga-jaga, maklumlah bimbang ada kejadian tidak diingini.

'Ini juga pengalaman pertama Syamsul buat filem genre seram dan majlis pelancarannya akan berlangsung di Restoran Haslam pada 11 Februari ini,' katanya.

Buat masa ini, kata Yusof, fokusnya adalah pada pembikinan skrip untuk projek filem terbitan Skop Productions dan akan membantu Syamsul dari segi pemilihan skrip yang bagus, kemudian Syamsul dan pasukannya akan mengolah skrip berkenaan.

'Jika saya selesa bekerja di pejabat, Syamsul dan kawan-kawannya pula akan bekerja di kedai mamak atau kedai kopi sehingga jam 5 pagi. Saya akur dengan cara generasi muda bekerja hari ini,' katanya.

Mengenai projek filem barunya pula, Yusof berkata, beliau juga merancang buat filem baru yang juga arahannya bersama Syamsul, tetapi ia masih dalam perancangan.

Katanya, Skop juga masih terbabit dengan program TV seperti drama bersiri Gerak Khas yang genap usia 11 tahun pada April ini. Beliau juga masih sambung kontrak dengan stesen RTM sehingga hujung tahun ini. Rating Gerak Khas juga memberangsangkan iaitu mencecah RM1.5 juta ($625,000). Untuk musim baru Gerak Khas juga, watak Detektif Lim direhatkan seketika.

Yusuf, atau nama sebenarnya Mohd Yusof Md. Haslam Khan, dilahirkan pada 24 April 1954 dan berasal dari Jalan Pahang, Kuala Lumpur. Hasil perkongsian hidup dengan Fatimah, pasangan ini dikurniakan empat cahaya mata iaitu Mohd Faizal, Mohd Syamsul, Nursyamin dan Mohd Syafiq.

Yusof berlakon sejak era '70-an. Antara filem, drama TV lakonan dan terbitannya ialah Permintaan Terakhir, Bukit Kepung, Penentuan, PJ, Remang-Remang Kota Raya, Roda-Roda Kota Raya, Wira Angkasa, Bayangan Maut, Pemburu Bayang, Sembilu, Sembilu 2, Maria Mariana, Bara, Gemilang, Pasrah dan Gerak Khas The Movie. -- Harian Metro.


·         Kegagalan yang pernah dialami oleh yusuf  semasa melibatkan diri dalam bidang lakonan ialah ketika beliau bekerjasama dengan jins shamsuddin. Skrip cerita yang kurang menarik telah mendapat kritikan dari penonton atas jalan cerita serta plot yang berserabut. Kegagalan ini menyebabkan filem yang pernah dilakonkan yusuf haslam tidak mendapat sambutan masyarakat walaupun jalan cerita yang diketengahkan adalah mengenai perjuangan.

·         Kegagalan yusuf juga ialah mengalami masalah modal ketika menjadi seoarang penerbit perfileman. Modal perfileman dalam menghasilkan sebuah filem memerlukan modal yang tinggi. Beliau pernah gagal dalam mendapatkan pinjaman dari pihak kewangan bank. Namun kegagalan mendapatkan pinjaman dari pihak bank tidak memutuskan semangat yusuf, malah beliau tetap berusaha untuk mendapatkan kewangan melalui sanak saudaranya, dan sahabat handai yang sentiasa memberi dorongan kepadanya.

·         Kegagalan beliau juga apabila sukar mendapatkan pelakon yang berkebolehan dalam filem beliau sendiri. jika kita melihat dalam semua filemnya kebanyakan adalah pelakon yang sama. Ini menyebabkan hati penonton bosan melihat lakonan pelakon yang sama sahaja setiap kali keluarnya filem baru. Hal ini sedikit sebanyak menjejaskan perniagaan beliau dalam penghasilan sebuah filem dan drama.

·         Kegagalan perfileman beliau mendapat tempat ke luar negara. Beliau masih gagal sehingga kini untuk mensasarkan produk perfileman dan drama ke luar negara kecuali hanya negara indonesia dan singapura sahaja. Kekurangan promosi dan kewangan kemungkinan punca kegagalan bveliau dalam memasarkan perfileman beliau ke luar negara.


Sejak bergelar pengarah filem komersial tanah air, Yusof selaku Pengarah Urusan Skop Productions Sdn Bhd ternyata bertanggungjawab melahirkan ramai bintang popular seperti Ziana Zain, Erra Fazira, Awie, Abby Abadi, Ning Baizura, Misha Omar, Nasha Aziz dan Hetty Sarlene. Malah kebanyakan filemnya berjaya mencapai kutipan pecah panggung.

Sesungguhnya Yusof Haslam mengakui cukup terhutang budi dan berbangga kerana diiktiraf bersama-sama dengan guru filemnya Datuk Jins Shamsuddin sendiri dan rakan seperjuangan Uji Rashid.

Beliau percaya, tidak mungkin dapat bertahan selama ini dalam dunia perfileman tanpa sokongan padu anak-anak, saudara mara, rakan taulan, media masa dan paling utama isterinya Datin Fatimah Ismail yang sentiasa mengkritik hasil kerjanya.

Gerak Khas (GK) adalah antara siri televisyen yang cukup lama disiarkan oleh stesen Televisyen Malaysia (RTM) dan dikatakan masih disenaraikan antara drama bersiri yang mendapat rating tertinggi. Kejayaan siri ini di televisyen menyebabkan penerbit dan pengarahnya memindahkan GK ke filem.

Berdasarkan popularitinya di televisyen, filem pertama Gerak Khas (GK) juga berjaya di pawagam dan siri keduanya pun turut mendapat sambutan.Kejayaan kedua-dua buah filem GK itu telah membawa kepada filem GK3.Sejarah yang panjang siri ini di TV akan memberikan kelebihan dan cabaran yang tersendiri apabila ia difilemkan. Apatah lagi GK3 mengekalkan pelakon yang sama sabanminggumuncul di TV. Kelebihannya GK telah diketahui oleh penonton dan ini memudahkan promosinya.

Filem pertama yang mencapai kejayaan

Sebenarnya filem pertama yang membuka tirai kejayaan adalah "Bayangan Maut". Filem ini meraih kejayaan dan hasil kutipan sebanyak RM1.1 juta. Encik Aimi Jarr ada mengatakan bahawa beliau akan menjadi ‘pengarah jutawan’. beliau berasa malu dan alhamdulillah kata-kata itu telah menjadi kenyataan. Kebetulan "Pemburu Bayang" mendapat 2 juta, "Sembilu" 4 juta, "Sembilu 2" memperoleh 6 juta dan "Maria Mariana" meraih 4 juta.

Merupakan orang yang pertama dalam dunia perfileman yang berjaya menjadi jutawan hasil daripada bidang perfileman.

beliau rasa gembira kerana menjadi orang pertama yang mencipta kejayaan dan membina imej perniagaan dalam bidang perfileman. Sebenarnya beliau  tidak yakin dalam bidang ini kerana ia terlalu berisiko tinggi. Oleh itu walaupun menerbitkan drama TV beliau masih mengekalkan corak kepolisan. Semasa membuat filem "Sembilu", beliau telah menukar corak cinta tetapi masih dengan imej kepolisan dan alhamdulillah berjaya. Pada beliau, TV sebagai platform dan menjadi tulang belakang dalam kerjaya dunia perfileman.

bidang perfileman berisiko tinggi dan pulangan tinggi.

beliau bersyukur dan kerana tergolong dalam yang berjaya. Kejayaan yang diperolehi adalah pemberian Tuhan. Tuhan yang memberikan rezeki. Semua drama yang dihasilkan mendapat tempat di hati penonton dan mendapat rating yang tinggi.beliau berasa puas kerana drama yang diterbitkan mendapat top 10.

beliau juga mendapati risikonya sungguh besar dan bukan calang-calang orang yang dapat bertahan. Malah ada yang gulung tikar dalam bidang ini. Oleh itu beliau masih mengekalkan perniagaan dan menguruskan restoran yang dibuka sejak 24 tahun yang lalu. beliau kurang yakin dengan perniagaan ini dan cara yang beliau ambil adalah sebagai penyelamatnya. Begitu juga dengan drama TV, tidak akan beliau tinggalkan, walaupun ada orang berkata mengapa masih masih hendak membuat drama TV setelah meraih berjuta ringgit. beliau mempunyai prinsip, walaupun mendapat yang ’besar’ tetapi yang ’kecil’ jangan dilupakan.

Beliau mengucapkan terima kasih kepada FINAS dan pihak Kerajaan yang banyak membantu. Beliau tidak lupakan jasa FINAS yang telah banyak membantu dari segi menambah modal dalam menghasilkan filem arahan beliau sebelum ini, walaupun banyak pihak sering memberi tanggapan negatif terhadap FINAS. beliau merasakan peluang dalam bidang perfileman lebih terbuka sekarang kerana pihak FINAS sendiri memberikan dana untuk membantu industri dan para pengusaha baru. beliau memandangnya sebagai satu usaha positif yang cuba diwujudkan oleh pihak FINAS sendiri


1.Bayangan Maut (1991) - Kutipan mencecah RM1 juta. Menampilkan Yusof Haslam dan Noorkumalasari.
2.Pemburu Bayang (1993) - Kutipan RM1.8 juta. Pelakon utama ialah Awie dan Ella.
3.Sembilu (1994) - RM4.2 juta, pelakonnya Awie, Erra Fazira dan Ziana Zain.
4.Sembilu II (1995) - RM6.3 juta, mengekalkan pelakon yang sama dalam Sembilu.
5.Maria Mariana (1996) - Menampilkan Erra Fazira dan Ziana Zain.
6.Maria Mariana II (1998) - Mendapat RM3.2 juta di pawagam.
7.Bara (1999) - Awie dan Nasha Aziz bergandingan dalam filem ini.
8.Pasrah (2000) - Erra Fazira dan Norman Hakim berlakon dalam filem ini.
9.Gerak Khas The Movie (2001) - Filem bercorak kepolisan
10.Gerak Khas The Movie II (2002) - kutipan lebih kurang RM 3 juta
11.Janji Diana (2003) - RM 2.3 juta, menampilkan Rosyam Nor dan Erra Fazira
12.GK3 The Movie (2005) - Pelakonnya ialah Norman Hakim dan Abby Abadi
13.Filem Sembilu 2005 - Memperkenalkan Vince dan Hetty Sarlene serta pendatang baru Irwan Suhaimi

Ciri-ciri kompetensi

·         Seorang yang perihatin
Datuk Yusof Haslam adalah seorang pengarah yang cukup prihatin dengan masalah-masalah sosial di kalangan remaja dan juga masyarakat kota. Dalam filem-filemnya sering digambarkan kemelut remaja kota, kehidupan remaja yang terbiar, keluarga yang bermasalah dan juga keluarga yang ketat memberikan perlindungan kepada anak-anak remaja. Pendek kata, dalam filem-filem Yusof kita akan didedahkan dengan segala permasalahan itu dan nasihat-nasihat serta cara-cara untuk mengatasinya.
·         Sentiasa merebut peluang
Daripada strategi pasaran, remaja adalah golongan terbesar yang menonton filem di pawagam. Justeru itu tidak hairanlah kalau pemaparan persoalan atau kisah remaja adalah cara terbaik untuk menarik golongan remaja ini ke pawagam. Para pengarah dan penerbit menganggap, remaja hanya mahu menonton kisah yang dekat dengan kehidupan mereka sahaja. Memang pendapat ini tidak salah sepenuhnya. Malangnya, kisah remaja itu dilihat dari kacamata orang tua, sepertimana seorang datuk yang melihat kehidupan cucunya yang dikatakan bermasalah. Datuk itu datang dari zaman lalu yang cuba mengatasi masalah remaja di zaman global. Dia tidak dapat menangkap dan memahami realiti sebenar kehidupan remaja tersebut. Lalu dia menggunakan kayu ukur zamannya untuk menilai kehidupan dan menasihati remaja masa kini. Yang keliru bukan anak remaja tersebut tetapi orang tua yang tidak memahami perubahan zaman itu. Inilah agaknya sebuah filem remaja yang penuh mesej, nasihat orang tua untuk remaja.

Anugerah dan

Pengarah dan penerbit yang mempopularkan siri bercorak kepolisan tempatan ini mendapat pengiktirafan daripada Polis Diraja Malaysia (PDRM) kerana turut menyumbang dan menaikkan imej PDRM menerusi bidang penyiaran. Antara penghargaan yang diterima beliau pada 26 Disember 1996 yang disampaikan oleh Ketua Polis Negara, Tan Sri Rahim Noor, manakala pada 31 Julai 2002 daripada Ketua Polis Kuala Lumpur, Dato’ Syed Abdul Rahman Syed Abdul Kadir. Seterusnya beliau menerima penghargaan daripada Ketua Polis Negara, Tan Sri Norian Mai pada 30 Disember 2002 dan pada 9 September 2004 daripada Ketua Polis Kuala Lumpur, Dato’ Mustafa Abdullah, dan yang terbaru pada 25 Mac 2006, iaitu Anugerah Penghargaan ‘Friends Of The Police” daripada Ketua Polis Negara, Tan Sri Mohd Bakri Hj. Omar yang disampaikan oleh Perdana Menteri Malaysia, Dato’ Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi.

Ternyata anugerah ini layak diberikan kepadanya sebagai penggiat seni yang menunjukkan prestasi cemerlang dalam kerjaya seni dan meninggalkan impak yang besar dalam industri hiburan. Yusof memiliki rekod cemerlang sebagai seorang karyawan yang sudah melakar banyak kejayaan dalam bidang seni baik sebagai pelakon, pengarah atau sebagai pejuang di persada seni tanah air.

Yusof yang sentiasa menerima kritikan membina berikutan filem berunsur komersial seperti Sembilu, Gerak Khas The Movie dan banyak lagi turut menyifatkan anugerah yang diterimanya itu amat bernilai buat dirinya dan membuktikan segala penat lelahnya sebagai penggiat seni perfileman sejak 1970-an mendapat penghargaan masyarakat dan media masa.


Festival Filem Malaysia ke 4
Pelakon Pembantu Lelaki Terbaik 
Festival Filem Malaysia ke 15 -
Sutradara Terbaik 
Festival Filem Malaysia ke 15
Cerita Terbaik 


2001 :   Gerak Khas The Movie - (Pelakon Pembantu)
1993 :   Pemburu Bayang - (Pelakon Pembantu)
1991 :   Harry Boy - (Pelakon Pembantu)
1990 :   Driving School - (Pelakon Pembantu)
1990 :   Bayangan Maut - (Pelakon Utama)
1987 :   Rahsia - (Pelakon Pembantu)
1987 :   Wira Angkasa - (Pelakon Utama)
1987 :   Permintaan Terakhir - (Pelakon Utama)
1984 :   Di Ambang Kasih - (Pelakon Utama)
1984 :   Jauh Di Sudut Hati - (Pelakon Pembantu)
1984 :   Melati Putih - (Pelakon Pembantu)
1983 :   Mekanik - (Pelakon Pembantu)
1982 :   Sikit Punya Gila - (Pelakon Pembantu)
1982 :   Bukit Kepong - (Pelakon Utama)
1982 :   Penentuan - (Pelakon Utama)
1982 :   Senja Merah - (Pelakon Pembantu)
1981 :   Ribut Barat - (Pelakon Utama)
1981 :   Jejak Bertapak - (Pelakon Utama)
1979 :   Tiada Esok Bagimu - (Pelakon Pembantu)
1979 :   Detik 12 Malam - (Pelakon Utama)
1976 :   Cinta Dan Lagu - (Pelakon Pembantu)
1976 :   Sayang Anakku Sayang - (Pelakon Pembantu)
1975 :   Jiwa Remaja - (Pelakon Utama)

krew Filem
2010 :   Evolusi KL Drift 2 - (Penerbit)
2009 :   Bohsia: Jangan Pilih Jalan Hitam - (Penerbit)
2008 :   Evolusi KL Drift - (Penerbit)
2005 :   Gila-Gila Pengantin Popular - (Penerbit)
2005 :   GK3 The Movie - (Lakon layar)
2005 :   GK3 The Movie - (Penerbit)
2005 :   GK3 The Movie - (Pengarah)
2005 :   GK3 The Movie - (Cerita Asal)
2005 :   Pontianak Menjerit - (Penerbit Bersama)
2004 :   Gila-Gila Pengantin Remaja - (Penerbit)
2003 :   MX3 - (Penerbit Bersama)
2003 :   Mr. Cinderella 2 - (Penerbit Bersama)
2003 :   Janji Diana - (Penerbit)
2003 :   Janji Diana - (Pengarah)
2003 :   Janji Diana - (Cerita Asal)
2003 :   Janji Diana - (Lakon layar)
2003 :   Sembilu 2005 - (Penerbit)
2003 :   Sembilu 2005 - (Pengarah)
2003 :   Sembilu 2005 - (Cerita Asal)
2003 :   Sembilu 2005 - (Lakon layar)
2003 :   Gila-gila Pengantin - (Penerbit)
2002 :   Mr. Cinderella - (Penerbit Bersama)
2002 :   Gerak Khas The Movie 2 - (Lakon layar)
2002 :   Gerak Khas The Movie 2 - (Pengarah)
2002 :   Gerak Khas The Movie 2 - (Penerbit)
2002 :   Gerak Khas The Movie 2 - (Cerita Asal)
2001 :   Gerak Khas The Movie - (Pengarah)
2001 :   Gerak Khas The Movie - (Cerita Asal)
2001 :   Gerak Khas The Movie - (Lakon layar)
2001 :   Gerak Khas The Movie - (Penerbit)
2000 :   Pasrah - (Cerita Asal)
2000 :   Pasrah - (Penerbit)
2000 :   Pasrah - (Pengarah)
2000 :   Pasrah - (Lakon layar)
1999 :   Burung Besi - (Lakon layar)
1999 :   Bara - (Pengarah)
1999 :   Bara - (Cerita Asal)
1999 :   Bara - (Lakon layar)
1999 :   Burung Besi - (Cerita Asal)
1999 :   Bara - (Penerbit)
1998 :   Mariana Mariana 2 - (Lakon layar)
1998 :   Mariana Mariana 2 - (Pengarah)
1998 :   Mariana Mariana 2 - (Penerbit)
1998 :   Mariana Mariana 2 - (Cerita Asal)
1997 :   Gemilang - (Penerbit)
1997 :   Gemilang - (Lakon layar)
1997 :   Gemilang - (Cerita Asal)
1997 :   Gemilang - (Pengarah)
1996 :   Maria Mariana - (Penerbit)
1996 :   Maria Mariana - (Pengarah)
1996 :   Maria Mariana - (Cerita Asal)
1996 :   Maria Mariana - (Lakon layar)
1996 :   Tragedi Oktober - (Penerbit Bersama)
1996 :   Tragedi Oktober - (Cerita Asal)
1995 :   Sembilu 2 - (Cerita Asal)
1995 :   Sembilu 2 - (Pengarah)
1995 :   Sembilu 2 - (Lakon layar)
1995 :   Sembilu 2 - (Penerbit)
1994 :   Sembilu - (Pengarah)
1994 :   Sembilu - (Penerbit)
1994 :   Sembilu - (Lakon layar)
1993 :   Pemburu Bayang - (Pengarah)
1993 :   Pemburu Bayang - (Penerbit)
1993 :   Pemburu Bayang - (Lakon layar)
1990 :   Bayangan Maut - (Cerita Asal)
1990 :   Bayangan Maut - (Pengarah)
1990 :   Bayangan Maut - (Penerbit)